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Specifies the starting position of the segment data in the data record.
Note: Supported by the following mfims imsdbu functions:
  • Add
  • Load
  • Unload




The starting position of the segment data within the data record.


Default: DATA(9)


A value of 1 corresponds to the first byte of the record data.

When RECFM(V) is specified, the variable length record prefix (LL) is not considered part of the record data and does not affect this value.

Add and Load functions
The DATA directive is only used when LAYOUT(G) is specified. It is not required and is ignored when LAYOUT(D), LAYOUT(I) or LAYOUT(S) is specified.
Unload function
The DATA directive is only used when LAYOUT(G) or LAYOUT(S) is specified. It is not required and is ignored when LAYOUT(D) or LAYOUT(I) is specified.
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