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X"AF" function 1

Sets various configurable features of Adis, including enabling or disabling individual user function, Adis or data keys, or a series of consecutive keys at run-time.


call x"AF" using function-code


Call prototype: cblt-x1-compx
Picture: pic x comp-x.
Group containing:
01 parameter-block
  03 key-setting    cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 
  03 sub-fn-code    cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 
  03 first-key-id   cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 
  03 number-of-keys cblt-x1-compx   *> pic x comp-x. 

On Entry:

Value 1.
One of:
1 Enable/disable user function keys and compatibility keys
2 Enable/disable Adis control keys and other configurables
3 Enable/disable data keys
4 Enable/disable shift keys
5 Enable/disable lock keys

On Exit:

Bit settings indicating the type of screen as follows:


Features are enabled or disabled until explicitly changed by another call to x"AF" or until the application terminates. The initial state of user function keys depends on the run-time operating system (see Standard Adis Key Functions for details). Calls to enable or disable functions keys are additive. For example, if you call x"AF" to enable function key F1 and then make another call to enable F10, both keys are enabled.

See Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntax for full details of the Adis features and parameters.

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