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Prints the contents of the specified file, optionally displaying printer control, font, and progress indicator dialog boxes, before commencing the print.


CALL "PC_PRINT_FILE" using     filename
                     by value  flags
                     by value  window-handle
                     returning status-code


Group predefined as cblt-printer-name containing:
01 cblt-printer-name       typedef
  03 cblt-pn-name-length   cblt-x2-comp5  *> pic x(2) comp-5
  03 cblt-pn-name          pic x(n).      *> pic x(n).
Group predefined as cblt-printer-name containing:
01 cblt-printer-name       typedef
  03 cblt-pn-name-length   cblt-x2-comp5  *> pic x(2) comp-5
  03 cblt-pn-name          pic x(n).      *> pic x(n).
Using call prototype (see Key) : Numeric literal or cblt-x4-comp5.
Picture: Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
Using call prototype (see Key) : Numeric literal or cblt-x4-comp5.
Picture: Numeric literal or pic x(4) comp-5.
See Library Routines - Key

On Entry:

The name of the file to be printed (null or space terminated)
The title of the document to be printed
A set of bits to define printer options:
bit 0 Display a printer control dialog to allow you to define the printer characteristics - cannot be used with bit 2 or bit 3
bit 1 Display a font dialog box to allow you to define the default font for the document
bit 2 Print in portrait orientation - cannot be used with bit 0 or bit 3
bit 3 Print in landscape orientation - cannot be used with bit 0 or bit 2
bit 4 Display a progress indicator dialog box
bit 5 Directs raw output through the Windows spooler - only bit 0 can be used with this bit
Handle of parent window. The parent window is used as a reference for positioning dialog boxes. If window-handle is 0 the dialog boxes will be positioned in a system dependent position on the screen.
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