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Creates or updates a named value.


call "CBL_PUT_SHMEM_PTR" using by value     node-value
                               by reference node-name
                         returning          status-code


Call prototype (see Key): cblt-pointer
Picture: usage pointer.
Group predefined as cblt-node-name containing:
01  cblt-node-name          typedef.
  03 cblte-nname-name-len   cblt-x1-comp5. *> pic x comp-5 value n.
  03 cblte-nname-name-text  cblt-x1.       *> occurs depending cblte-nname-name-len. 
                                           *> pic x(n) value "name".
See Library Routines - Key.

On Entry:

node-value The value to assign to the created/updated named value.
cblte-nname-name-len The length of name.
cblte-nname-name-text The name of the named value.

On Exit:



In .NET, this call only works within a run unit, meaning that memory cannot be shared across run units.

Named values provide a way of passing pointers between different run-units using a name agreed at run-time. Named values can be read simultaneously by all units in the coru because the run-time system protects and serializes any updates. The maximum number of named values depends on how much memory your machine has.

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