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Checks whether a file exists and if it does, returns details of when the file was last modified.


call "CBL_CHECK_FILE_EXIST"  using    filename
                            returning status-code


Picture: pic x(n).
Group predefined as cblt-fileexist-buf containing
01 cblt-fileexist-buf        typedef.
  03 cblte-fe-filesize       cblt-x8-compx. *> pic x(8) comp-x.
  03 cblte-fe-date.
    05 cblte-fe-day          cblt-x1-compx. *> pic x comp-x.
    05 cblte-fe-month        cblt-x1-compx. *> pic x comp-x.
    05 cblte-fe-year         cblt-x2-compx. *> pic x(2) comp-x.
  03 cblte-fe-time.
    05 cblte-fe-hours        cblt-x1-compx. *> pic x comp-x.
    05 cblte-fe-minutes      cblt-x1-compx. *> pic x comp-x.
    05 cblte-fe-seconds      cblt-x1-compx. *> pic x comp-x.
    05 cblte-fe-hundredths   cblt-x1-compx. *> pic x comp-x.

See Library Routines - Key.

On Entry:

The file to look for. The name can contain a path, and is terminated by a space. If no path is given, the current directory is assumed.

This routine does not work with filenames containing wildcard characters.

On Exit:

The size of the file in bytes.
The date the file was created.
The time the file was created.


CBL_CHECK_FILE_EXIST is not stripe-aware. If you use this routine on a file for which striping is enabled, the details returned refer to the first stripe only. Therefore, use this routine on an individual stripe only and refer to the stripe by the stripe name.

Note: Striping is deprecated, and provided for backward compatibility only. We recommend you use IDXFORMAT"8" instead.

You can check the success of the call by examining RETURN-CODE.

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