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To Export Users and Groups to an LDIF File

  1. To export existing Directory Server users and groups from the MF Directory Server repository to an LDIF file, use the mfds -e command. The syntax is as follows:

    mfds -e root DNuser partition DNgroup partition DNresource partition DNschema formatldif-filenamesec-path

    root DN The application partition to which all of the exported entries will be assigned.
    user partition DN The name of the container within the application partition to which the exported users will be assigned.
    group partition DN The container within the application partition to which the exported groups will be assigned.
    resource partition DN The container within the application partition to which the exported resource definitions will be assigned.
    schema format Values: 1 = Active Directory (Default), 2 = OpenLDAP.
    sec-path The location of the MF Directory Server repository.

    For example, the following command exports MF Directory Server users, groups and resources to an Active Directory compatible LDIF file.

    mfds -e "CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=local" "CN=Enterprise Server Users" 
    "CN=Enterprise Server Groups" "CN=Enterprise Server Resources" 1 mfdsusers.ldf
    CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=local specifies the application partition to which all exported entries will be assigned
    CN=Enterprise Server Users specifies the container within the application partition to which the exported users will be assigned
    CN=Enterprise Server Groups specifies the container within the application partition to which the exported groups will be assigned
    CN=Enterprise Server Resources specifies the container within the application partition to which the exported resource definitions will be assigned
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