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To add a first child segment occurrence

  1. If browsing the database, click End Browse end browse.
  2. Use appropriate DL/I calls to move your position in the database to the parent segment occurrence.
  3. In the tree view, expand the parent segment type.
  4. Click the segment type that appears directly below the parent segment type.
  5. Initialize the segment, choosing a different segment layout if you want.
  6. Edit the key field to make it unique.
  7. Edit other fields as required.
  8. When you have completed all required editing, click * to issue an ISRT DL/I call.

    Your current position in the database moves to the new segment occurrence.

  • If you have the Update warning option checked, click Yes to enable data updates. See To configure edit warnings for more information.
  • You cannot add a new segment occurrence while the Browse window is open.
  • Before clicking *, you can cancel the insert at any time by clicking Edit > IMS DB Editor > Undo Segment Edit.
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