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To Enable Performance Counters

Note: The user starting the region must:
  • be able write to the 'Active Servers' value under the following key in the registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Micro Focus Server\Performance".
  • have the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege privilege (in order to create the area of named shared memory where the performance counter data will be written).
  1. In Enterprise Server Administration, click Edit against the server that you want to configure for Performance Monitoring.
  2. Go to the Windows Monitoring and Management option by selecting the Server, Properties and General tabs.
  3. Select the Allow Performance Monitoring checkbox.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Start the server. The following message will be displayed in the console daemon to indicate that Performance Monitoring has been enabled:
    CASAM3016I ES Monitoring and Management Support Enabled
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