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Error Conditions

When a QUERY SECURITY command is encountered the command is validated and may return one of a number of error conditions. If the command passes validation, the input fields are set up and control is passed to the user exit program. The user exit program may then itself perform some validation and reject the requests.

The following table shows the error conditions that can be returned:

Error Condition (EIBRESP field) Further information (EIBRESP2 field)
INVREQ 7 LOGMESSAGE does not contain either LOG or NOLOG
  9 RESID is invalid or filled with blanks
  10 The external security manager (ESM) is inactive or not present. This means that the user exit program is missing.
LENGERR 6 The RESIDLENGTH value is not valid, that is, it is not in the range 1 through 246
NOTFND 2 The RESTYPE value is not valid

The following table shows the error conditions that you are most likely to need to check for in your exit program.

Error Condition (EIBRESP field) Further information (EIBRESP2 field)
NOTFND 1 The RESID value is not valid
  3 The RESID value for RESTYPE (SPCOMMAND) not valid.
  5 The RESCLASS is not defined to the external security manager (ESM).
  8 The resource is not protected. This is only returned when QUERY SECURITY is used with the RESCLASS option (and never occurs with RESTYPE).
QIDERR 1 An indirect queue name associated with the given RESID is not found

If any of these error codes are returned to an application program that does not provide error handling, the application abends.

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