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To insert records

  1. In the Data File Editor unformatted view, select a record.
  2. Click Edit > Data File Editor; then, depending on your file type, select one of the following options:
    Insert Record Before
    Inserts a record immediately before the selected record. Sequential and line sequential files only.
    Insert Record After
    Inserts a record immediately after the selected record. Sequential and line sequential files only.
    Insert Indexed Record
    Inserts a record with a unique prime key. If you have applied record layouts, you can select a record layout to use to initialize the new record. Indexed files only.
    Insert Relative Record
    Inserts a record using user-specified and previously unused relative record number.
    Repeat Record
    Inserts a new record, duplicating the information in the selected record. For indexed and relative files, you must provide a unique prime key or a relative record number respectively.
    Multi Repeat Records
    Inserts the same record multiple times. You specify the number of times to repeat the record. Sequential and line sequential files only.
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