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Specifies that the audit log records audit information when a catalog entry is deleted.




DELT Logs audit information each time an ESMAC/CAS utility deletes a catalog entry
DELJ Logs audit information each time a step in a JCL job deletes a catalog entry
DELT,DELJ Logs audit information each time either an ESMAC/CAS utility or a JCL job step deletes a catalog entry


Default: None


The information recorded in the log is:
  • The user who deleted the catalog entry
  • The group to which the user belongs
  • Whether the catalog entry was deleted by an ESMAC user or a JCL job step
  • The name of the deleted catalog entry
  • Whether the standard delete operation or the JCL delete operation was performed


The following is a sample audit log entry:
2000/01/01 00:00:00.000 4232 MF 2 1 "SYSAD   SYSADM   000000ESMAC   POSYSAD   MVSCATIODLET"


SYSAD The user ID
SYSADM The group to which the user belongs
000000ESMAC The entry was deleted by an ESMAC user
POSYSAD The name of the deleted catalog entry
MVSCATIODLET The standard delete operation (DLET) was used
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