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Filtering member lists

Apply filters to member lists for partitioned, Librarian, Panvalet and Endevor data sets so that only members that match a specified pattern are displayed.

You can apply one or more of the following filters to each appropriate data set:

Set user code filter
This filter is available for Panvalet data sets only. The filter is applied whenever the data set is imported from the mainframe, only importing those data sets whose four-digit Panvalet user code matches the filter pattern.
Set pre-download member filter
The filter is applied whenever the data set is imported from the mainframe, only importing those data sets whose name matches the filter pattern, thus reducing the amount of information imported.
Set pre-download member type filter
This filter is available for Librarian and Panvalet data sets only. The filter is similar to the Set pre-download member filter, except you specify the type of member to filter on.
Set post-download member filter
The filter is applied to the data set members that have already been imported from the mainframe, which is useful to reduce the members displayed so that you can focus on the information that you are interested in.
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