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WebSphere MQ Switch Module

Describes the provided WebSphere MQ switch module.

Fully functional 32- and 64-bit WebSphere MQ switch modules are provided as part of Enterprise Developer. The filenames and locations of these built modules are:

Filename Default Location
esmqxa.dll %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\bin
esmqxa.dll %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\bin64

By default, these switch modules operate in two-phase commit mode. If instructed by Micro Focus SupportLine to change the operation to one-phase commit mode, you can do this by setting the ES_MQ_1PC environment variable to Yes or True.

Note: Depending on how you configure Enterprise Server, you might not need an XA switch for WebSphere MQ. See Configuring Enterprise Server for IBM WebSphere MQ for more information.
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