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Tutorial: Import 32-bit JCL Enterprise Server Regions

Follow these steps to import the JCL regions used by Tutorials: SQL CLR Stored Procedures Called from JCL.

Attention: As an alternative to importing pre-configured enterprise server regions, you can create and configure a new JCL enterprise server region for each tutorial. For instructions, see the Create a New JCL Region section below.

Import JCL Regions

  1. Start Enterprise Developer.
  2. Open the Server Explorer.
  3. On the Server Explorer, right-click Micro Focus Servers; then click Administration.

    The Enterprise Server Administration Home page starts in an Enterprise Developer window.

  4. From the Enterprise Server Administration sidebar, click Import.
  5. In the Selected source directory containing server data to restore field, type the fully expanded path to the JCL enterprise server regions, which reside here:

    %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\SQL\RegionsToImportForJCL

    For example, if %PUBLIC% resolves to C:\Users\Public, then the full expanded path would be:

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\SQL\RegionsToImportForJCL

  6. Click Next.
  7. On Import server information (Page 2 of 4), click Next to import all listed JCL regions.
  8. On Import server information (Page 3 of 4), click Next.
  9. On Import server information (Page 4 of 4), click OK.

    All of the JCL regions listed on the second import page now show on the Enterprise Server Administration Home page.

Create a New JCL Region

If you want to improve your understanding of JCL-enabled enterprise server regions, you can create and configure a new JCL region for some or all of the regions used in these tutorials. Follow the instructions presented in the topics under Configure an Enterprise Server for JCL Support in this documentation (you can skip the Edit the MSS-enabled Enterprise Server topic); however, wherever JCLDEMO is specified, substitute the Region Name that corresponds to the tutorial you plan to follow:
Tutorial Region Name
Call a SQL CLR Stored Procedure Single-project by Literal JCLSPSL
Call a SQL CLR Stored Procedure Single-project by Data Name JCLSPSDN
Call a SQL CLR Stored Procedure Multi-project by Literal JCLSPML
Call a SQL CLR Stored Procedure Multi-project by Data Name JCLSPMDN
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