When compiling an HCOSS program or application with the DBRMLIB compiler directive option,
DBRMs are
generated and
stored in one of two places:
- The
DBRMDataSets\DBRMLIB subdirectory of the directory specified in your
Local HCOSS Directory HCOSS option (default).
- A subdirectory of the
DBRMDataSets directory, specified as argument to the DBRMLIB compiler directive option. When specified, this value overrides the default directory.
users who are working on
a single program or application,
compiling and
binding is done on the local level using DBRMs available in the local DBRM libraries.
Note: When binding a program or application for which there are no local DBRMs, HCOSS uses DBRMs found in the shared DBRM library. See
Shared DBRMs and Multi-User Environments
for more information.