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Start the ACCTCLNT Server

To setup the necessary CICS resources, you need to start the enterprise server instance that you have created and configured.

  1. Ensure the ESDEMO server and any other server that uses the TN3270 port is not running. If it is, stop the server before starting the ACCTCLNT server.

    This is because these two servers use the same port for one of their listeners.

  2. In Server Explorer, right-click ACCTCLNT in the list of servers and then click Start.
  3. Click OK to confirm.
  4. Click the Details button under Status that corresponds to the ACCTCLNT Enterprise Server.
  5. Select ES Monitor & Control.
  6. You need to add the new group DFHWEB to your system. In the Resources pane, select by Group from the drop-down list and choose Startup.
  7. Select DEMOSTRT by clicking the corresponding Details button, and enter DFHWEB in box 14. This is the group that contain the necessary CICS Web system resources.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. In box 15 enter DFHCWI. This group contains ACCTCLNT-specific resources.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Ensure that the resources are available to the system by either running CINS DFHWEB and CINS DFHCWI from your 3270 emulator, or by restarting your ACCTCLNT enterprise server.
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