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To create an Azure SQL Database connection

  1. Be sure you have added your Azure SQL database to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. From the HCO for SQL Server interface, click Manage Connections.
  3. On the Connection List tab, select the Azure Connection Type.
  4. From the Connection List tab, click New SQL Server Connection.

    You must provide the appropriate user ID and password for your Azure server to make the connection.

  5. On the SQL Server Connection tab, type an appropriate Azure user ID into the User ID field as follows:


  6. Type the accompanying Azure password into the Password field.
  7. In the SQL Server Instance field, type your Azure server name as follows:
  8. Click Confirm Server. This populates the Database drop-down list with available Azure SQL Databases.
  9. If you want to use a database other than the default database, check Use a database other than the default database: dbname, and then select an alternative database from the Database drop-down list.
  10. Click Test to verify the connection details.
  11. When the connection tests successfully, click OK to clear the message.
  12. Click Save.

    The new connection appears on the Connections List located on the Connections List tab.

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