To simplify scheduler configuration, you can store most MFBSIJCL command line parameters for a given Enterprise Server with Mainframe Subsystem Support in a configuration file. Storing parameters in a configuration file also means that potentially the only parameter you need in order to execute MFBSIJCL on a command line is the JCL member name.
By default, the name of the configuration file is mfbsi.cfg and it resides in the location specified by the MFBSI_DIR environment variable. You can change the default location and the file name as needed with the CFG=... command line parameter, or by setting a value for the MFBSI_CFG environment variable.
A template of the configuration file, named mfbsi.cfg_model, is in the <install-directory>\etc folder.
That directory also contains a simple JCL file,rc08.jcl, that invokes IDCAMS. You can use this JCL with MFBSI for your initial tests.
When you use a configuration file, the minimum execution command line parameter you need to specify for mfbsijcl is the name of the JCL file to submit with or without the extension. In this case, specify the following parameters in mfbsi.cfg:
The template configuration file includes a list of the parameters you can use: