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Assign to
Select a screen field, commarea field, work field or a special field for which to make an assignment.
Field 1/Operand 1
Value to assign to the field selected in the Assign to field or to be used by the function/operator. Select a field from the drop-down list or type a literal value into the field.
Select a function/operator that uses the values in the Field/Operand fields, and whose result is assigned to the field selected in the Assign to field
Field 2/Operand 2
Value to be used by the function/operator. Select a field from the drop-down list or type a literal value into the field
Field 3/Operand 3
Value to be used by the function/operator. Select a field from the drop-down list or type a literal value into the field
Assignment Condition
Shows any condition placed on the assignment.
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