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Deploying to an Enterprise Server under UNIX

Describes the process of deploying a mainframe-based service interface to a remote enterprise server region running on UNIX.

If your enterprise server region is running on a UNIX installation of Enterprise Server, you can still deploy a service to it; however, after you deploy, you must then compile the generated driver program for your service on the platform where Enterprise Server is running. For CICS and IMS service interfaces, this requires that you install Enterprise Server such that it is licensed to compile and run CICS and/or IMS applications.

To compile the service driver program on the target UNIX machine:

  1. Log on to the target machine.
  2. Go to the package path folder. If you are using a telnet session originating from your development machine, you can paste the package path from the clipboard.
  3. Compile the service driver source using the cob command and appropriate directives. The directives you use depend on the type of service interface as follows:
    Note: The service interface filename prefix ( SERVINTNAME ) is always upper case.
    Service Interface Type Compiled As Command Line
    CICS screen or EBCDIC commarea GNT cob –vu servintname.cbl –C “CICSECM() DIALECT(OS390) DEFAULTBYTE(00) WARNING(1) COPYEXT(cpy)”
    CICS screen or EBCDIC COMMAREA Shared Object cob –vUz servintname.cbl –C “CICSECM() DIALECT(OS390) DEFAULTBYTE(00) WARNING(1) COPYEXT(cpy)”
    ASCII COMMAREA Shared Object cob –vUz servintname.cbl –C “CICSECM() DIALECT(OS390) CHARSET(ASCII) DEFAULTBYTE(00) WARNING(1) COPYEXT(cpy)”
    IMS Screen GNT cob –vu servintname.cbl
    IMS Screen Shared Object cob –vUz servintname.cbl
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