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Data File Convert dialog box

Input file group
Type the full path to and filename of the input file to convert, or click Browse to use the Open dialog box to select a file.
Shows the format of the input file
Character set
Select the character set of the input file
File details
Define details for the specified input file
Shows the organization of the input file
View keys
View the keys for the specified input file, if indexed
Character set conversion group
Convert character set
Convert the character set used in the input file from ANSI to EBCDIC or from EBCDIC to ANSI for the output file, depending on the value of the Character set field; activates the Records contain non-text data items check box
Select layout for conversion
Specify the record layout file to apply to records in the input file
Records contain non-text data items
Check when records contain numeric data items; activates the Select layout for conversion button that enables you to apply a record layout when necessary
New file group
Type the full path to and filename of the output file, or click Browse to use the Open dialog box to select a file.
Lists available formats for the output file
Character set
Shows the output file character set; changes when Convert character set is checked
Lists available organizations for the output file
Define keys
Specify the details of keys required for an output file of an indexed organization
Variable length records
Check to specify that the output file has variable length records; unckeck to specify that the output file has fixed length records
Minimum length
Specify the minimum record length for variable length records in the output file
Maximum length
Specify the maximum record length in the output file
Compress data records
Check to compress data records in the output file
Load profile
Load specifications from an existing profile
Save profile
Save specifications to a profile
Create an output file from the input file using the specifications on this dialog box
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