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Assembler Environment Variables

These environment variables are used to configure the component locations for Assembler. You can use STEPLIB and SYSLIB to configure multiple paths. The rest can set a single path only.

Variable Description
ES_MFASM_SUPPORT Enables Assembler support when running CICS server regions.
STEPLIB The paths for Loader input load-members .390 files (must contain SYSLMOD).
SYSIN The path for macro input .MLC files.
SYSLIST The path for Assemble and Link listing files: .MAT, .PRN, and .LST.
SYSWORK The path for Assemble, Link and Animator/370 work files .BAL .IDF/.IDX .
SYSPUNCH The path for Assemble output .PCH files for PUNCH statements .
SYSMPC The path for Assemble input precompiled macros: .MPC .
SYSLIB The paths for Assemble input macro and copy files .MAC .CPY .
SYSLIN The path for Link input .LIN files and Assemble output .OBJ files .
SYSLMOD The path for Link output load-member .390 files .
SYSPARM The path for the Macro input SYSPARM value.
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