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Considerations when upgrading to Enterprise Developer

The following describes how you can move existing files and data from Mainframe Express to Enterprise Developer:


You copy the COBOL programs and copybooks in the Enterprise Developer project directory or, alternatively, from the Enterprise Developer you link to them in the original location where they are used by Mainframe Express.


  • Data files - you can reuse the .dat files in Enterprise Developer. There is a Data File Tools utility for editing data files.
  • DB2
  • IMS files - you can reuse the existing .dbd, .psb, and .mfs files after recompiling them in Enterprise Developer.
  • XDB


  • Data catalog - you need to create a new catalog in Enterprise Developer.
  • CICS resource definition files (dfhdrdat.*) - you can copy the existing files and use them in Enterprise Developer after performing a caspcupg to upgrade them.


  1. Regions - now available as instances of Enterprise Server which you need to create and configure.

Accessing the Mainframe

Enterprise Developer uses its own version of Mainframe Access OS/390 and z/OS Server that provides access to host resources for environments. A single installation of Mainframe Access can support all of these products, providing connectivity to any number of DB2, IMS, and CICS systems located anywhere in an enterprise. It can also provide access to JES facilities, VSAM and non-VSAM data sets, and data controlled by external library management products such as Panvalet, Librarian and Endevor. It includes the Drag and Drop utility, the Remote Job Step Execution (RJSE) facility for execution of one or more steps of a job on a remote z/OS host, Compare and Synchronization Monitor, and SourceConnect.

Enterprise Developer for Eclipse also provides a mainframe z/Server that provides the mainframe integration. You use the Remote Systems view to access the mainframe.

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