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COBCH1789 Matching member in inherited <type-name> is non-virtual

Indicates the specific case where, although an inherited type of the current type does have a public implementation of the method, this method is non-virtual (and therefore is ineligible as a method implementing an interface).

Error COBCH1728 ("type-name1 does not have public implementation of method method-name of interface type-name2") is also produced with this error.

In the following example, this error is returned for System.Windows.Forms.Control:

      $set ilref"System.Windows.Forms"
       class-id MainView
                 inherits type System.Windows.Forms.Form
                 implements type IMainView.

       end class.

       interface-id IMainView public.

       method-id Show. 
       end method.

       end interface.
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