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Test Fixture Files

If you regularly run a number of test suites, using the same options each time, you should use a test fixture file (.mfu file). Using a test fixture file saves you from having to specify the test suites and their options individually each time you want to run them.

Another advantage of using a test fixture file is that you can utilize the Apache Ant support to run test suites. See Example Ant Project for a simple example of how to run test fixture files and configure the output.

Within a test fixture file, the Global section enables you to set options that apply to all test cases specified to run, and individually-named sections enable you to also specify options per individual test case. The options that you can set individually are: a description of the test; a timeout period (before the test is considered to have failed); and an option to skip the test. Some of this information can also be set programmatically, during the test setup; see Using Dynamic Metadata for more information.

See Example Test Fixture File for a sample format. Alternatively, you can create a skeleton .mfu file from a COBOL .dll file, by using the -generate-mfu test-suite-name option, and then edit it to suit your needs.

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