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Additional Software Requirements for Micro Focus Enterprise Developer Unix Components

To ensure full functionality for some Enterprise Developer features, you might be required to obtain and install additional third-party software in addition to the prerequisite software installed automatically by the Enterprise Developer setup file. The following information specifies the third-party software required for each feature.

Application server JCA support for Enterprise Server

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Java EE 5 and Java EE 6 are supported for the deployment of EJBs generated using the Interface Mapping Toolkit, as follows:

  • Java EE 5 includes support for EJB 3.0 and Java Connector Architecture 1.5
  • Java EE 6 includes support for EJB 3.1 and Java Connector Architecture 1.6

The following Java application servers are supported using the following JDKs:

Application Servers JDK (vendor) Java EE
JBoss 5.1.0 1.5/1.6 (Oracle) 5
JBoss 6.1.0 1.6 (Oracle) 6
JBoss 7.1.1 1.6/1.7 (Oracle) 6
JBoss EAP 6.4 (AS 7.5) 1.6/1.7 (Oracle) 6
Oracle WebLogic 10.3.5 1.5 (Oracle) 5
Oracle WebLogic 12.1.1 1.6/1.7 (Oracle) 6
IBM WebSphere 7.0 1.5 (IBM) 5
IBM WebSphere 8.0 1.6 (IBM) 6
IBM WebSphere 8.5 1.6/1.7 (IBM) 6
IBM WebSphere 8.5.5 1.7 (IBM) 6

The availability of COBOL and CICS resource adapters for these Application Servers differs between UNIX platforms. The following table indicates where support for COBOL resource adapters is available for each platform. An asterisk (*) appears next to entries that also support CICS resource adapters:

Feature/Platform JBoss 5.1.0 JBoss 6.1.0 JBoss 7.1.1 JBoss EAP 6.4 Websphere 7.0 WebSphere 8.0 WebSphere 8.5 WebSphere 8.5.5 WebLogic 10.3.5 WebLogic 12.1.1
AIX 6.1 on RS6000 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit
HP/UX 11.31 on Intel IA64 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit* 32- and 64-bit* 64-bit 64-bit* 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit
Red Hat EL 6.2 on IBM390 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit
Red Hat EL 5.5 on AMD Opteron 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit
Solaris 11 on AMD Opteron 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit* 32- and 64-bit* 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit
Solaris 10 on SPARC 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit* 32- and 64-bit* 32- and 64-bit 32- and 64-bit
SUSE SLES 11 SP1 on IBM390 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit
SUSE SLES 11 on AMD Opteron 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit* 32-bit 32-bit
SUSE SLES12 on PowerLinux LE 64-bit*
* Supports both COBOL and CICS resource adapters

Please consult your Application Server documentation to determine which JDK you should use. The JDK is used to:

  • Start the Application Server
  • Compile EJBs and Servlets generated by the Interface Mapping Toolkit or the imtkmake command

After installing the JDK, you need to set up your Java environment.

CICS Web Services

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To use CICS Web Services, you must first install the IBM CCSID conversion tables. See Install and Configure CCSID Conversion Tables for details.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

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Native COBOL and Java Interoperability - Oracle's Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 7 or Java 8 is required for native COBOL and Java interoperability. The setup file installs Java 8 u102 64-bit. You can download Oracle's Java SE from Oracle's Web site and install it anywhere on your machine.

Database Access

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Before you can use Enterprise Developer to develop and deploy SQL applications that use COBSQL, HCO for DB2 LUW, or OpenESQL, ensure any third-party software prerequisites are installed and the environment is set properly.

Database Access - COBSQL (Pro*COBOL)

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Note: COBSQL (Pro*COBOL) is supported for native COBOL only.
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SuSE Linux X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
IBM System z running Red Hat Linux X X
IBM System z running SuSE Linux X X
Itanium running HP-UX X X
x86-64 running Solaris X X
SPARC running Solaris X X
XA Switch Module
The Oracle XA switch module is provided for COBSQL (Pro*COBOL), and is available on the same platforms as are indicated in the Availability section above.
Certification of RDBMS Precompilers for Native COBOL
Certification of RDBMS precompilers with Micro Focus products is the responsibility of the RDBMS vendor, rather than Micro Focus. Certification information can be found within the relevant Oracle documentation. If you have an Oracle MetaLink account (, document # 43208.1 provides details of all language compilers certified by Oracle for use with their precompilers.
COBSQL supports the following database preprocessors:
  • Sybase Open Client Embedded SQL/COBOL Version 11.1 or later
  • Oracle Pro*COBOL Version 11.2 (11gR2) or later
  • Informix Embedded SQL/COBOL Version 7.3 or later
On x86 and x86-64 platforms, when compiling with COBSQL for use with Oracle, do not use the COBSQL directive option NOMAKESYN, since this directive results in COMP host variables, and on Intel platforms these are incompatible with the native byte order expected by Oracle.
For this version, COBSQL was tested with Oracle 11.2, 12.1, and 12.2. Oracle 12.2 is available and tested on the following platforms:
  • x86-64 running Red Hat Linux
  • x86-64 running SuSE Linux
  • x86-64 running Solaris
  • SPARC running Solaris

Database Access - HCO for DB2 LUW

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Note: HCO for DB2 LUW is supported for native COBOL only.
Feature/Platform Native COBOL 32-bit Native COBOL 64-bit PL/I 32-bit PL/I 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X X X
x86-64 running SuSE Linux X X X X
IBM System p running AIX X X X
IBM System z running Red Hat Linux X X
IBM System z running SuSE Linux X X
Itanium running HP-UX X
x86-64 running Solaris
SPARC running Solaris X X X X
XA Switch Module
The DB2 XA switch module is provided and is available on the same platforms as are indicated in the Availability section above.
Certification of RDBMS Precompilers for Native COBOL
Certification of RDBMS precompilers with Micro Focus products is the responsibility of the RDBMS vendor, rather than Micro Focus. You can find IBM document certification information for DB2/COBOL applications within the IBM Information Center for DB2, in the topic Support for database application development in COBOL.
HCO for DB2 LUW supports the following database preprocessors:
  • IBM DB2 LUW Version 9.7 or later
  • IBM DB2 Connect Version 9.7 or later
Host Compatibility Option (HCO)
Host Compatibility Option requires that you have one of the following software products installed and configured:
  • IBM Database Connect
  • IBM DB2 LUW Personal Edition or DB2 Express-C
  • DB2 LUW Workgroup or Enterprise Edition

You must also install the DB2 Application Development Client (formerly called DB2 SDK) or you will not be able to compile any DB2 programs.

For this version, HCO for DB2 LUW was tested with versions 9.7, 10.1, 10.5, and 11.1.


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Note: This is a technology preview feature only. It is being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on this new capability; however, this feature is not intended for production use and it is not supported as such.
Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SuSE Linux X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
DSNREXX is supported in OpenESQL applications, and is native code using ODBC. See the Database Access - OpenESQL section in this topic for additional software requirements, and the DSNREXX Support topics for complete details.
For this release, DSNREXX was tested with DB2 LUW 10.5.

Database Access - Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT)

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Feature/Platform 32-bit 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X
x86-64 running SuSE Linux X
IBM System p running AIX X
The MBDT toolset consists of OpenESQL applications, and are native code using ODBC. Please see the Database Access - OpenESQL section for further details.
For this release, MBDT was tested with DB2 LUW 10.5.

Database Access - OpenESQL

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COBOL Availability
Feature/Platform Native COBOL 32-bit Native COBOL 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SuSE Linux X X
x86-64 running Solaris X X
IBM System p running AIX X X
IBM System z running Red Hat Linux X X
IBM System z running SuSE Linux X X
Itanium running HP-UX X X
SPARC running Solaris X X
PowerLinux LE running SUSE Linux X
PowerLinux LE running Red Hat Linux X
PLI Availability
Feature/Platform PL/I 32-bit PL/I 64-bit
x86-64 running Red Hat Linux X X
x86-64 running SUSE Linux X X
IBM System p running AIX X
SPARC running Solaris X X
XA Switch Module
The ODBC One-phase Commit switch module is provided and is available on the same platforms as are indicated in the Availability section above. For Windows environments, the SQL Server XA switch module is also provided.
Native COBOL and PL/I
  • OpenESQL supports access to relational databases using ODBC 3.0-compliant drivers
  • Refer to your driver vendor's documentation to determine whether your driver is suitable for use with OpenESQL
For this version, OpenESQL was tested with:
  • Oracle 11.2 and 12.1
  • DB2 LUW 9.7,10.1,10.5, and 11.1
  • SQL Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, and 2016
  • PowerLinux LE using DB2 LUW 10.5 only
  • EDB PostgreSQL 9.6 and MySQL 5.7 (5.3 ODBC drivers only) on the following platforms:
    • x86-64 running Red Hat Linux
    • x86-64 running SUSE Linux
Note: Micro Focus provides compatibility for PostgreSQL and MySQL but does not directly contribute to or support either open source project. Any issues relating to the functionality of either DBMS should be addressed through an open source support vendor.

WebSphere MQ

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IBM WebSphere MQ version 7 and later.

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