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IMS Database Features

Describes the IMS database features available from an Enterprise Developer IMS project.
IMSDBU Functions
IMS support in Enterprise Developer provides a database utility tool, IMSDBU, that you can access from your IMS project. You can perform the following IMSDBU functions from the Enterprise Developer IDE:
Initializes a database and loads it from an input data file.
Writes database segment data to a sequential output file.
Create database data files and prime them for use.
Add to or refresh segments in a database from an input data file.

Several additional IMSDBU functions are available from the command line and from the JCL interface. See mfims imsdbu Command and IMSDBU JCL Interface for more information.

IMS Database Editor
You can also access the IMS Database Editor from your Enterprise Developer project. The IMS Database Editor provides a graphical interface for viewing and manipulating data in an IMS database.
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