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WebSphere 8.5 CICS Resource Adapter Configuration

Describes the steps required to install and configure the WebSphere 8.5 CICS resource adapter.
Install the CICS resource adapter:
  1. Start WebSphere server and WebSphere Administrative Console.
  2. In the left pane click Resources > Resource Adapters
  3. Click Install RAR on the page on the right, and follow the instructions on the screen.

    When you are asked for the resource adapter file, specify the required mfcics-notx-ws85.rar file. The new resource adapter is now listed on the right.

Create a new J2C Connection Factory
  1. From the WebSphere Administrative Console, click the new CICS resource adapter it to display its properties.
  2. Under Additional Properties, click J2C Connection Factories; then click New.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to specify:
    • CCIMFCICS_v1.5 as the reference name for the connection factory
    • eis/MFCICS_v1.5 as the JNDI name for the connection factory
  4. Confirm that the CCIMFCICS resource adapter is now listed on the J2C connection factories page of the console.
Configure the CCIMFCICS Resource Adapter for SSL (if required)
  1. Click the J2C Connection Factory that corresponds to the new CCIMFCICS resource adapter; then click Custom Properties.
  2. On the list of resources, make the following changes:
    • To enable SSL, set the secureConnection value to true
    • To enable access to your enterprise server, provide appropriate values for ServerHost and ServerPort
    • To enable tracing, set the trace value to true (optional)
    • Provide appropriate values for KeyRingClass and KeyRingPassword
    This enables the SSL connection.
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