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IMS TM Compatible Transaction Manager

The IMS TM compatible transaction manager is the production transaction processing engine used to deploy IMS TM-based applications to run on Linux, UNIX, and Windows target environments. It provides support for the following:
  • IMS transactions and communications
  • MFS screen management
  • System administration, monitoring, and diagnostics
DL/I Interface Functions
  • CHNG
  • GU
  • GN
  • ISRT
  • PURG
System Service Functions
  • CHKP
  • INIT
  • ROLL
  • ROLB
  • SYNC
  • XRST
Transaction Types
  • Conversational
  • Non-conversational
  • Response Mode
  • Non-response Mode
BMP Outbound Messages
A BMP (batch message processor) is a program executed by JCL. It does not have access to the IMS input message queue; however, it can send outbound messages such as checkpoint, restart, and other system service calls via an I/O PCB defined in the Linkage Section.
Transaction Scheduling
  • Class codes
  • Prioritization
  • Serialized or parallel transaction processing control
Message Region Management
This is part of the ESMAC SEP process. From here you can start and stop IMS message regions.
  • Start/Stop region
  • Control by transaction class
3270 Devices
  • Models 2, 3, 4, and 5
  • TN3270 interface
  • MFS or Bypass MFS Mode
Programming Languages
  • PL/I
Supported MFS features
  • 3270 devices
  • Logical and physical paging
  • Multi-segmented messages
  • Dynamic and default attributes, extended attributes, cursor positioning
  • Printer support
  • Password support
  • MFS segment exit
  • MFS field exit
  • MFS language control
  • DBCS and mixed-mode character support
IMS Connect
This is an emulation of IBM IMS Connect.
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