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Virtual Statistics Tables

Virtual statistics tables allow you to run SQL queries against a snapshot of server usage data. The kinds of information you can extract depends on the query you construct and run against these special tables. For example, you can create such information as:

The Virtual Statistics Tables contain dynamic information about the state of the server. The tables are populated when they are queried to give you current information. Apart from their dynamic nature, they can be accessed just like normal system tables, using joins, conditional clauses, sorts, aggregate functions, etc. Some of the information in these tables duplicates the data displayed on the various server screens, while some display other kinds of information.

All of the Virtual Statistics Tables have the AuthID XDBSTAT and are created (when queried) in the DSNDB07 database. They have no indexes. The format and content of the Virtual Statistics Tables are defined in detail in the SQL Reference. Examples of queries that can be run against these tables to extract information are presented below and on the next page.

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