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Sort Space Size

The XDB Server performs sorts in a variety of situations, such as the processing of ORDER BY, DISTINCT, UNION and other clauses that appear in SQL statements. Creating or rebuilding indexes, and re-clustering with the COMPACT command requires a significant amount of sorting.

To enhance sorting operations, you can set the amount of memory that the XDB Server will attempt to acquire for this purpose (use the XDB Configuration Utility). You might want to specify a higher amount when creating indexes or compacting/reclustering tables, and set it back to a lower amount for normal operations. The higher the number, the faster large sorts can be processed. Also, larger amounts of data can be processed at a single pass, thus requiring fewer merges of data. However, if set too high relative to the number of concurrent sorts, users or available RAM, processing of queries can be slowed.

The amount you allocate for sorting is the amount of memory that will be made available for each sort request that the system receives. This is not a common pool for all users, but rather a per-sort amount. If a particular sort request does not require the full amount allocated, the excess is released back to the operating system.

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