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File Format and Data Conversion

Converting files from one format to another enables data to be restructured from one format to another. For example, you can convert from sequential organization to indexed organization. You can also add extra secondary indices as the needs of an application change. When using the Data File Converter, you do not need to recreate data already produced or write special conversion programs.

Although many file transfer packages convert files from one format to another, they are restricted to converting the whole file to the other data format. Typical COBOL data files and database records have complex record structures with a mix of text and binary data that must be translated accordingly. The GUI version of the Data File Converter provides an easy method for data conversion using record layout descriptions. For more information on how to create a record layout file, see To create a record layout file.

The Data File Converter can also convert internal floating-point formats between IEEE format and S/370 format.

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