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Trace Option

If the Xfh2btr trace option is set, every operation performed by the Xfh2btr call conversion module and every error code returned by the Btrieve Record Manager are either displayed on the screen or recorded in a trace file.

If an error is returned by the Btrieve Record Manager, the Xfh2btr call conversion module maps the Btrieve error to a COBOL file status code which it returns to your program. The COBOL file status code to which a Btrieve error has been mapped is also displayed in the trace file.

If a Btrieve error is not shown on the trace but a COBOL file status is returned, the error has been generated in the Xfh2btr call conversion module. For example, trying to write to a file opened for input would generate such an error.

There are two attributes that effect the trace option: TRACE-FILE and TRACE.


This specifies that the trace information is to be directed to the specified file and not to the screen. If no filename is specified, the default filename, xfh2btr.lst, is used. The trace-file attribute can only be specified under the [X2B-DEFAULTS] tag. If a number of client applications are writing trace information to the same trace file, the order in which the information appears in the file is undetermined.

Note: Note:

Specifying a trace filename does not turn on the TRACE facility.


The TRACE attribute switches tracing on. It can be specified under the [X2B-DEFAULTS] tag (in which case operations on all files are traced) or under a filename tag (in which case only operations on that file are traced).

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