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Field Wrap-Around

If, when using binary data items (that is, RM/COBOL COMPUTATIONAL-1 format items) an arithmetic operation gives a value which exceeds the capacity of the data item, and there is no ON SIZE ERROR clause, Enterprise Developer wraps-around the value of the item. However, in RM/COBOL, the data item is set to the limit of its capacity.

You should specify an ON SIZE ERROR clause to highlight such problems.


In RM/COBOL, the following lines of code result in the value +32767 being stored in the data item, CALC-ITEM. However, Enterprise Developer sets CALC-ITEM to -32768:

01 calc-item         pic s9(4)  comp-1.

 procedure division. 
     move 32767 to calc-item. 
     add 1 to calc-item.
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