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Direct Connection and Starting Servers on Fixed Ports

A CCITCP2 registration daemon is not necessary if the CCI client application and the CCI server application establish a connection directly between each other. This can only be done when the server application starts up on a specific TCP port, and the client knows which address and port the server is using.

In a relatively static application enterprise environment where the server application location is well-defined and persistent, then using direct connection can have advantages over using a CCITCP2 registration process to help establish a connection.

Allowing a server application to listen on a known, fixed port means that clients can contact the server through a security firewall if a gap has been configured for that port and address.

A CCI server can support both direct connection and normal connection via a CCITCP2 daemon simultaneously. If a server starts on a fixed port, and a CCITCP2 daemon is present, then it will register a Server Name with it as normal, but in addition clients will be able to connect to it directly because the port it is using is known. If the CCITCP2 daemon is not present or reachable then a fixed port server will still start successfully, but only clients who attempt to connect directly will be able to contact it.

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