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Create and Configure an IMS Enterprise Server

Create and configure an enterprise server region on which to run the MFDEMO IMS application.

Create an MSS-enabled enterprise server region

  1. To start Enterprise Server, enter the following address into your Web browser:


  2. On the Home page of Enterprise Server Administration, click Add at the bottom of the table of servers.
  3. On the first Add Server page:
    1. Type IMSDEMO into the Server Name field.
    2. Under Working Mode, click 32-bit.
    3. Click Next.
  4. On the second Add Server page:
    1. Click Micro Focus Enterprise Server with Mainframe Subsystem Support enabled.
    2. Click Next.
  5. On the third Add Server page:
    1. In the Creation Options group, check Create TN3270 listener; then type 9004 into the using port field.
    2. Click Add.
  6. The Home page is redisplayed, and a row for the IMSDEMO enterprise server region is shown in the table of servers.

Configure IMS

  • In the table of servers, click the Edit button that corresponds to IMSDEMO.
Enable IMS support
  1. Click the Server, Properties, MSS, IMS and General tabs.
  2. Check IMS enabled.

    This specifies that the IMSDEMO enterprise server can use the IMS support.

Specify file locations
  1. On the same page, in both the Configuration directory and Gen file directory fields, specify the full path to the working directory you created to hold your copy of the MFDEMO application files (see the Copy the MFDEMO Files section of the Prepare the MDEMO Application) topic.
  2. Click Apply to save the changes.
  3. Click the Server, Properties, MSS, IMS, TM and General tabs.
  4. In the MFS path field, specify the full path to your working directory.
  5. Enter the same information into the Application path field.
  6. Click Apply to save the changes.
  7. Click the Server, Properties, MSS, IMS, DB, and General tabs.
  8. In the Database path field, specify the full path to your working directory.
  9. Click Apply to save the changes.
Enable JCL
JCL support is required for any IMS-enabled enterprise server that requires a message processing region to start whenever the enterprise server starts. You define such a message processing region later, so you need to enable JCL support in preparation.
  1. Click the Server, Properties, MSS, JES and General tabs.
  2. Check Job Entry Subsystem enabled.
  3. Click Apply.
Specify the SIT

You have now created the IMSDEMO enterprise server region and enabled it to use IMS and JCL, but you now need to specify that it uses the IMSSIT System Initialization Table (SIT), which enables you to define an automatic message processing region:

  1. Click the Server, Properties, MSS and CICS tabs.
  2. In the System Initialization Table field, type IMSSIT.
  3. Click Apply to save your change.
Define an automatic message processing region
You need at least one message processing region (MPR) to run an IMS application in an enterprise server.

To specify a message processing region for the IMSDEMO enterprise server region:

  1. Click the Server, Properties, MSS, IMS, TM and MPRs tabs.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Name field, enter: MPR01.
  4. In Transaction Class, enter: 001.
  5. In Description, enter: MPR for class 1.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Home at the upper left corner to return to the Home page of Enterprise Server Administration.
Define and configure a printer
To optionally add and test a printer, follow the steps outlined in the topics under Printers.
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