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Installing Fileshare as a Service

You can install Fileshare as a Windows service, which allows you to start and stop the server from the Windows Control Panel.
Restriction: This is only applicable to Windows platforms.

You can install Fileshare as a Windows service using the following syntax

fsservice -i <service-name> /wd <path\to\fs\working\dir> /cf <path\to\fs\config-file>
-i <service-name>
A unique name for the service.
/wd <path\to\fs\working\dir>
The Fileshare working directory. This can also be specified in the configuration file.
/cf <path\to\fs\config-file>
The fully-qualified path to the Fileshare server configuration file.

For example, the following command installs a service called FS32SEV1, that when started uses a working directory of C:\support\FS32\DATA, and uses the configuration file C:\support\FS32\FSAD32.CFG.

fsservice -i FS32SEV1 /wd C:\support\FS32\DATA /cf C:\support\FS32\FSAD32.CFG

From the Services screen (available from the Windows Control Panel), you can start and stop the Fileshare service.

To uninstall the Fileshare service, enter:

fsservice -u <service-name>

When Fileshare is running as a service, there is no Fileshare console window, and so you cannot control it interactively via this window. Consequently:

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