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Deployment Services

All deployment services must have their Service Class attribute set to 'MF deployment'. They must be associated with a listener that uses the conversation type 'Web'.

The configuration information for a deployment service looks like this:

[MF client]

where virtual-directory-name-1 specifies the directory that holds the deploy program, mfdeploy.exe, and virtual-directory-name-2 specifies a directory to contain deployed services.

The values for the scheme and accept parameters must not be changed, but when you are creating a new deployment service you can omit them, as these are the defaults.

The settings for the Deployer service of ESDEMO are:

[MF client]

The configuration of a deployment service must match the configuration of the listener for the service. The URL parameter must specify the same virtual directory name for the location of the mfdeploy.exe program as the listener uses. You can change the virtual path to receive deployed services to any virtual directory name configured for the listener.

For example, if the listener's configuration was:

then you might create a deployment service named "project1" with this configuration:
[MF client]

and services deployed using the "project1" service would be stored under c:\development\project1. You could create a similar service for project2.

Note that the deployment directory must have a .mfdeploy file. Copy the .mfdeploy file from %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\deploy and modify it as necessary.

For example, if Enterprise Server is installed in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer, then "<ES>/deploy" becomes %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\deploy.

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