This topic describes the error messages that are related to the Generate DDL tool.
Error Message | Description or Cause | Resolution |
An unexpected error has occurred. Please report the following error to Micro Focus Support: | A generic error flag followed by a specific message. | See the following specific message for information. |
Commit exception type: | Error in commit of DDL generation. | See the following message for details. |
Connection failed | The target database connection failed. | Make sure the user ID and password correct. |
Encountered problem reading source database schema | Error in reading the schema file. | See the preceding message for details. |
Encountered problem during file/path checks | Error in the specified file name or path. | Check the specified file name and path. |
Encountered problem reading XML mappings | Error in reading the mapping file. | Check the specified file name and path. |
Encountered problem writing DDL command file | Error in writing the DDL file. | Check the file folder existence and WRITE permission. |
Following required parameter is missing | A required parameter is not provided | Provide the specified parameter value |
Invalid command line parameter | The specified parameter value is empty or out of range. | Assign a proper value to the parameter. |
Invalid number of arguments | The command line has no arguments. | Add the required arguments to the command line. |
Invalid DDL output directory | Error in creating the DDL file directory. | Check the file directory existence and WRITE permission. |
Invalid XML mapping input file | Error in reading the DDL file. | Check the file existence and READ permission. |
Invalid XML schema input file | Error in reading the schema file. | Check the file existence and READ permission. |
No list files found. You must have at least one list file to create scripts. | The original list file has been deleted or renamed. | Recreate the list file or delete the current task. |
Rollback exception type: | Error in rollback of DDL generation. | See the message for details. |
The process does not have the READ permission to the file | The process does not have READ permission to the specific file. | Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user READ permission. |
The process does not have the WRITE permission to the file | The process does not have WRITE permission to the specific file. | Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user WRITE permission. |
Unable to create DDL output file | Error in creating the DDL file. | Check the file directory existence and WRITE permission. |
Unable to create export file: | Unable to create the specified export file. | Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user WRITE permission on the directory. |
Unable to delete export file: | Unable to delete the specified export file. | Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user DELETE permission on the file. |
Unable to delete task file: | Error in deleting the task file. | Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user DELETE permission. |
Unable to read list file: | Unable to read the specified list file. | Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user READ permission on the file. |
Unable to read script file: | Unable to read the specified script file. | Check the file existence. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user READ permission on the file. |
Unable to return to previous task file | Unable to set the previous task. The previous file is either missing or renamed. | Recreate the task file. |
Unable to write list file: | Unable to write the specified script file. | Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user WRITE permission on the directory. |