Use this page to create a new PLT.
If you displayed this page by clicking Copy on a previous page, the values on the previous page are used as the basis for the new PLT.
If you displayed this page by clicking New on a previous page, some values on this page are already set to default values.
Click this to save changes you have made to the page, refresh the page and add the new PLT to the group you specify in Grp. When you click Add, the button changes to Apply.
Choose a group to which this PLT will belong. The list of groups from which you can choose include only those that can be edited by you.
Specify a description of the transaction program (can be up to 60 characters).
If you are creating a PLT, you see one empty field numbered 01. Enter a program to be used by this PLT. Click Add. The startup list is saved. If there are no errors, the page is refreshed, a new empty field (labeled 02) is added to the page, and the Add button changes to Apply. Each time you add a resource group, click Apply.
If you are creating a PLT based on an existing PLT, you will see as many fields are there were programs specified in the PLT from which you created this PLT. Note that, if you can edit the PLT, there is always a blank field added at the end of the list.
You can change the order of the programs in the PLT. Use to move a program down the list. Use
to move a program up the list.
Click Run once to specify that the program should only run once, when the PLT is first initiated. Click Run in each process to specify that the program should run every time the PLT is initiated.
Click this to delete this PLT. This button is displayed only after you click Add.
Click this to create a new PLT, using the values set on this page as the basis for the new PLT. This button is displayed only after you click Add.
Click this to create and view dump information for this PLT. This button is displayed only after you click Add.