WDG016: Accessing file name.
The Declaration Generator cannot access the specified file. Please make sure that it exists and is not locked by any other user.
WDG018: No filename on command line.
The Declaration Generator was run in batch mode with no batch filename on the command line. Please reissue the batch command with a legal batch filename.
WDG019: No table on command line.
The Declaration Generator was run in batch mode with no batch filename or table name on the command line. Please reissue the batch command with a legal batch filename or a table name on the command line.
WDG020: Invalid option on command line.
The Declaration Generator was run in batch mode with an illegal parameter on the command line. Please check you parameters.
WDG021: No filename on command line.
The Declaration Generator was run in batch mode with no batch filename or output file name on the command line. Please reissue the batch command with a legal output filename on the command line.
WDG022: Can't create batch file.
The Declaration Generator cannot create the selected file to contain a batch file. Make sure that the path exists and the destination file is not read only or locked by another user.
WDG024: No filename.
No output filename was specified. Declaration Generator needs to know where to put the output.
WDG025: No structure name.
No output structure name was specified. Declaration Generator needs to know the name of the output structure.
WDG026: Error updating the status bar.
Internal error. Declaration Generator could not display a message on its status bar. Please note what operation was being performed and contact Micro Focus Technical Support.