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X"91" function 16 (deprecated)

Shows how many of the parameters in the call statement of the calling program have been transferred to the called subprogram.

Restriction: This routine is supported for native COBOL only.
Note: This routine is deprecated, and provided for backward compatibility only. We recommend that you use CBL_GET_PROGRAM_INFO using by value 8.


call x"91" using result


  Using call prototype (see Key) Picture
result cblt-x1-compx pic x comp-x.
function-code cblt-x1-compx pic x comp-x.
parameter cblt-x1-compx pic x comp-x.

On Entry:

function-code Value 16

On Exit:

parameter The number of parameters.
result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.


This function is used in the called program; for the function to work in generated code, the program must be compiled with the PARAMCOUNTCHECK directive.

This function can only be used if the program is called from a COBOL program.

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