In Net Express, the default setting for FILEMAXSIZE was 4. With the current release of Enterprise Developer, it is 8.
Applications developed using Net Express 5.1 or Net Express with .NET 5.1 might require some changes when you move it to Enterprise Developer. In particular, Enterprise Developer does not include support for the following functionality that was available in Net Express 5.1:
For example, this might happen if you have Net Express or Studio Enterprise Edition installed and either COBCONFIG or COBCONFIG_ is set for it.
To work around this issue, ensure that Enterprise Developer is not running and then modify the configuration file by doing one of the following:
set cobconfig_error_report=false
This happens when you edit files such as .dat that have a file association with Net Express or Studio Enterprise Edition. This can also happen when invoking a utility within the Net Express or Studio Enterprise Edition products as an external tool from Enterprise Developer.
You can workaround this problem in Enterprise Developer as follows:
Set COBREG_PARSED= Call [PathToUtility] %1
Where PathToUtility is the path to the Net Express or Studio Enterprise Edition utility.
This ensures that the proper environment is established when running that tool.
The default options for directives scan (click Tools > Options > Micro Focus > Directives > COBOL in the IDE) have been changed since the previous Micro Focus products based on Visual Studio.
Enterprise Server now provides an execution environment capable of running applications that were each built using different development products. A consequence of this is that If your application has a main COBOL executable (.exe) that was built with a version of Enterprise Developer prior to version 2.3, you should ensure that the executable is rebuilt and packaged with the new run-time system. This does not affect mainframe subsystem projects deployed to Enterprise Server. You can rebuild from the IDE or the command line.
Other COBOL subprograms built with previous versions of Enterprise Developer are not required to be rebuilt.
If the sub-program cannot be located using one of the above methods, a run-time error is produced.
fixcasspool.bat casspool.dat backup.dat
If you do not update casspool and attempt to start Enterprise Server, the following messages are displayed in the console:
JES000130E Note JES000011 Error - New casspool indexes may need generating. See error description in product docs
set intLength to testString::Length()
set intLength to testString::Length
The behavior of the –zp1 option has been reverted to that of versions of Enterprise Developer earlier than 2.2 Update 1, with an additional correction relating to Char Varying data items.
The behavior has been restored to that in Enterprise Developer versions earlier than 2.2 where, when compiling with –zp1, all parameters are treated as unaligned. (In Enterprise Developer 2.2 Update 1, the behavior when compiling with –zp1 was to not treat parameters as if unaligned).
When using the –zp1 compiler option, all Character Varying data items are now treated as if unaligned. In previous versions of Open PL/I, for Character Varying data items, the –zp1 unaligned requirement was applied only to structure members and parameters.
To illustrate the change, consider the following example:
zptest: proc options(main); dcl 1 st1, 2 c char, 2 x(4) char(7) var init ('a', 'xx', 'yyy', 'zzzz'); dcl y(4) char(7) var init ('a', 'xx', 'yyy', 'zzzz'); dcl sub entry ((4) char(7) var); call sub (x); call sub (y); end; sub: proc (z); dcl z(4) char(7) var; dcl i fixed bin(31); do i = 1 to hbound(z); z(i) = 'x'; end; end;
Due to this correction of treating all Char Varying data items as if unaligned when using –zp1, the size of CHAR VARYING arrays now differs from previous versions of Open-PL/I. For example:
dcl X(4) char(7) var; Put skip list (size(X)) /* size is 36 bytes vs. 40 bytes in previous versions of Open-PL1 */