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Example Transaction Statement

The following example shows a simple transaction statement. In this example, the Declaration Generator reads the EMPLOYEE table and writes a declaration file called EMP_FILE.CPY. Because a language is not specified, COBOL is assumed.

employee emp_file.cpy

In a batch declaration file with multiple transactions, each transaction must be entered on a separate line, with no blank lines between them. The following example shows a .DGE file containing three transactions.

employee employee.cpy l=cobol s=dclempl p=sales u=real c=4 v=4 
employee employee.h l=c s=c_employee p=sales u=real 
orders orders.h l=c s=c_orders u=n/a a=upper d=decl

This example produces COBOL and C language output for the EMPLOYEE table. C output is also created for the ORDERS table.

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