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Installing and Configuring the XDB Link Host Option

The following describes the steps to install and configure the XDB Link Host Option.


To install the software, you will need the information provided by your TCP/IP network administrator on the TCP XDBPARM worksheet. If you do not have a completed copy of this worksheet, get one before you begin.

To install the XDB Link Host Option

  1. Create and install JCL PDS with FB LRECL 80.
  2. Create and submit the following JCL to unload the INSTALL JCL file (file 1) of the installation tape:
    //jobname JOB jobcard information 
    		// UNIT=inputdev,VOL=SER=volser,LABEL=(1,SL),
    		// DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120) 
    		//SYSUT2 DD DSN=xdblink.v100.INSTALL,
    		// DISP=(,CATLG),
    		// UNIT=dasd,VOL=SER=vvvvvv, // DCB=*.SYSUT1,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1))


    inputdev is the tape input device unit parameter
    volser is the input tape volume serial number
    xdblink is the XDB Link installation data set prefix
    v100 is the high-level data set prefix
    dasd is the DASD device unit of the install data set to be created
    vvvvvv is the volume serial number of the install data set
  3. Edit and submit the JCL created by step 2 (xdblink.v100.INSTALL). Correct errors and rerun the job if the return code is not zero.
  4. Edit the sample VTAM application definition for XDB Link in xdblink.v100.CNTL(VTAMLST). The value of the LU62 APPLID parameter must match the ACBNAME of the XDB Link Host Option. Also, the value of the APPLID PASSWORD parameter must match the PRTCT parameter of the application definition.
  5. Edit the sample access list in xdblink.v100.ACCESS.
  6. If you are a RACF user, edit and submit the sample JCL (optional) in xdblink.v100.CNTL(RACFACC) to protect the access list. Otherwise, create and submit equivalent JCL.
  7. Edit the xdblink.v100.CNTL(XDBGTF) member (optional) and copy it to a cataloged procedure library. Modify the DSNAME for IEFRDER to conform to the naming standards for your site.
  8. Edit the xdblink.v100.CNTL(GTFXDB) member for the GTF procedure (optional). USR=(xxx) must match the EID parameter in the parameter member.
  9. Edit the sample parameter member in xdblink.v100.PARAM(PARMTCP).
  10. Copy the VTAM application definition to the active VTAMLST library and put the major node into the ATCCONxx member of the VTAMLST library. VTAM must be cycled for the updated ATCCONxx member to take effect.

    To avoid cycling VTAM, use the VTAM vary command to activate the major node.

  11. Edit the sample started task xdblink.v100.CNTL(#PROCLNK) and copy it to a system procedure library.
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