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Workstation Configuration Window

Use the Workstation Configuration window to configure settings that XDB Link uses to control conversations between the client application and the host system.

To access the Workstation Configuration window, click Local in the Gateway Profile Utility window.

Workstation Code Pages

The values in this group box specify the code pages that represent the national-language format for client workstations using XDB Link. If you are using English (US) machines, leave these settings at their default values. For any other language, enter the code page value for that language. If you are using the XDB Server as your gateway server, you must restart the XDB Server after changing any code page values.

  Single Specify the single-byte code page value for client machines connecting to the host through XDB Link. XDB Link converts single-byte character data received from the host through this code page before sending it to the client workstation. It also uses this as the code page identifier for single-byte character data that it transmits to the host. The default is 850.

If you connect through a gateway server, enter the PC's OEM code page. In the United States, the default is 437.

If you connect as a direct client to DB2, enter the ANSI code page value. In the United States, the default is 1252.

If you use binary data or for bit data fields with COBOL programs, set the single code page setting to 911. If you are using the 911 code page while connected to a DB2 host and want to connect to a DB2 host which uses a different code page than that of the current DB2 host, you must restart the server prior to connecting to the new host.

To determine your PC's OEM and ANSI code page settings: at a DOS prompt, change (cd) to the install directory and type codepage.

  Mixed Specify the mixed-byte code page value for client machines connecting to the host through XDB Link. XDB Link converts mixed-byte character data received from the host through this code page before sending it to the client workstation. It also uses this as the code page identifier for mixed-byte character data that it transmits to the host. The default is 932.
  Double Specify the double-byte code page value for client machines connecting to the host through XDB Link. XDB Link converts double-byte character data received from the host through this code page before sending it to the client workstation. It also uses this as the code page identifier for double-byte character data that it transmits to the host. The default is 301.
Close Conversation Select the setting that determines when XDB Link closes an LU 6.2 conversation. At Dealloc closes the conversation when the client application terminates. At Commit closes the conversation after the client application executes a COMMIT statement. Use the default value, At Dealloc, unless you are tuning the system for OLTP applications or you want to prevent an application from tying up host resources when a client leaves it idle for an extended period of time.
Maximum Clients Specify the maximum number of concurrent client sessions that XDB Link can carry. Permitted values are 1 to 128. For an XDB Server, select a value that will comfortably accommodate the number of users that will simultaneously access the host system through XDB Link. In a Direct Configuration, use a small value to reduce XDB Link's memory requirements (unused client sessions needlessly consume memory on your machine).
User Buffer Size Specify the size (in kilobytes) of the bulk packet that XDB Link uses to download data from the host. Permitted values are 1 to 63. For most environments, the default value is sufficient. However, adjusting the value can optimize certain client applications:
  • For client applications that frequently download large amounts of data, a large buffer size can improve response time.
  • For client applications that perform brief, online transactions, a small buffer will maximize memory on the machine where XDB Link is installed.
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