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To define segment layouts

  1. In the Segment Layout Editor with a Data Division loaded, expand the structure tree in the left pane; then and select a data item for which you want to create a segment layout.
  2. Right-click the data item; then select New Layout from the context menu. This starts the New Segment Layout wizard.
  3. Select a segment to which you want to apply the layout.
  4. Select either Default Layout or Conditional Layout; then click Next.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Create additional layouts as required.
  • To delete a segment layout, right-click it in the right pane of the Segment Layout Editor; then click Delete.
  • Each segment layout file requires at least one segment layout, and may contain default or conditional layouts for the segments defined for the database.
  • For each conditional layout, you must define one or more conditions.
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