The following DD statements are required for all uses of MFJSORT:
- For the data set that contains the program control statements. It can be an in-stream data set.
- For the output listing data set. It must have an LRECL value of at least 132.
- For the input data sets. You can concatenate up to 16 data sets for SORTIN. It is not required if you use SORTINnn
- For the output data set. It is not required if you use SORTOFnn.
The following DD statements are optional:
- For multiple input data sets. nn begins with 01 and increases by 1 up to a maximum of 16. SORTINnn and SORTIN are mutually exclusive.
- For multiple output data sets. nn begins with 01 and increases by 1 up to a maximum of 16. SORTOFnn is used by the OUTFIL statement.