You can configure the run-time system environment in which your tests run using the usual methods (see
Run-Time System Configuration), but those settings will remain in place for each subsequent set of tests run until the values are changed. A more efficient method is to configure an environment that is automatically applied when you initiate a particular test run. You can do this by creating an application configuration file
containing the usual run-time system configurations. The naming of this file depends on the type of tests that are in your test run:
- Native COBOL tests
- The application configuration file must have the same base name as the base name of your test suite (i.e. the base name of your
.mfu file), and an extension of
.mfgcf. Place this file in the same location as your test suite and it will be used during the test run.
- Use your IDE to create the application configuration file; see
Application Configuration File for more information.
Note: You do not need to set the COBCONFIG.BLOCK environment variable when using an application configuration file with the
Micro Focus Unit Testing Framework on the command line.
- .NET Procedural COBOL tests
- The application configuration file must have the same base name as the base name of your test suite (i.e. the base name of your
.dll, or
.mfu file), and an extension of
.config. Place this file in the same location as your test suite and it will be used during the test run.