Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 3.0 for Visual Studio 2013
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
COBCH0901 - COBCH1000
COBCH0941 - COBCH0960
COBCH0941 - COBCH0960
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH0941 through COBCH0960.
COBCH0941 Source file %1_s not found
COBCH0942 Could not load assembly '%1_s'
COBCH0943 %1_s is not the name of a generic parameter
COBCH0944 Generic class '%1_s' has wrong number of type arguments
COBCH0945 One or more of the type arguments for '%1_s' violates constraints
COBCH0946 Class, method, property or field is marked as obsolete
COBCH0947 ANY LENGTH item cannot be RETURNING item when compiling for _NET
COBCH0948 Invalid type name
COBCH0949 Cannot use PROPERTY on an item that is subject to an OCCURS clause
COBCH0950 Too many generic arguments
COBCH0951 System limit - number of multiple inheritance _ 10_
COBCH0952 Method '%1_s' must have the REDEFINE clause_
COBCH0953 Method '%1_s' must have the OVERRIDE or REDEFINE clause_
COBCH0954 Method '%1_s' cannot OVERRIDE a non-virtual method in inherited class_
COBCH0955 Method '%1_s' cannot OVERRIDE a FINAL method in inherited class_
COBCH0956 Method '%1_s' not found in inherited class - must not have the OVERRIDE or REDEFINE clause_
COBCH0957 Explicit interface implementations cannot have visibility attributes_
COBCH0958 Property '%1_s' has multiple definitions
COBCH0959 Invalid _line directive_
COBCH0960 Too many _line directives_
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH0901 to COBCH1000